Travelling Health Fair 2025: register to learn about your lungs

The UBC Vancouver Travelling Health Fair is back for 2025

Pharmacists at travelling health fair

Registration is now open for our annual, free mobile health clinic for sessions starting on February 18 through to February 21 across multiple locations in Vancouver.

Register today 

For people at UBC to teach, learn and work well, they need to be well. That is why we are excited to join forces with the UBC Pharmacy clinic to focus on lung health at this year’s Travelling Health Fair. Healthy lungs supply large amounts of oxygen to your blood and allow you to work, play, and live well. There are many things you can do to keep your lungs healthy.  

The 2025 UBC Traveling Health Fair gives you the opportunity to learn about breathing and the lungs, increase your awareness of lung health risks and common conditions, and create a personalized action plan for optimal lung health with one of our UBC pharmacists.  

As part of this health fair, you will receive the following confidential services: 

  • Education on the structure and function of our lungs
  • Learning about common lung conditions and symptoms
  • Measurement of blood pressure, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation 
  • Reviewing personal risk factors for lung disease 
  • Interpretation of results and an individualized action plan to optimize your lung health 

Dates: February 18-21, 2025  

Locations: On campus at Vancouver Point Grey and Vancouver General Hospital. Check out the locations here. 

Who should attend: Open to faculty, staff, and post-doctoral fellows. 

Everyone is welcome and those with breathing issues, conditions or concerns are encouraged to attend.    

Total appointment time: 30 minutes per participant. 

Come join us and let’s talk about lung health!  

Spaces are limited.

Register today 

Looking to promote the Travelling Health Fair?

We have developed a promotional poster for you to use digitally or to print and share onsite. Click on either of the two posters to download and print. We have included one version with a unique colour palette and another using the regular UBC colours.



  • HR
  • Healthy UBC
  • UBCV

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Time A clock. Chats Two speech clouds. E-commerce Cart A shopping cart. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Home A house in silhouette. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Locked A locked padlock. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Play A media play button. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Settings A single gear. Speech Bubble A speech bubble. Star An outline of a star. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Unlocked An unlocked padlock. User A silhouette of a person. Vimeo The logo for the Vimeo video sharing service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.