Get in touch with a member of the Faculty Relations team in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
For general inquiries, please contact Faculty Relations or 604-827-1010.
UBC Vancouver
Nicki Hogg Iman Al-Sallal Christine Pickering | Responsibilities are divided alphabetically by Faculty member last name as follows:
Nicole Hyatt Manager 604-822-2125 |
Klea Lewis Aboui Senior Manager 604-822-5129 | Provides advice and service to the Faculties of Education, Land & Food Systems, Allard Law, Vantage College and Libraries:
Jeremy Dong Senior Manager 604-827-2343 | Provides advice and service to the Faculties of Medicine*, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dentistry and Forestry:
*Medicine: |
Natalie Harcourt Senior Manager 604-827-6085 | Provides advice and service to the Faculties of Medicine* and Applied Science:
*Medicine: |
Shivaun Berg Senior Manager 604-827-1608 | Provides advice and service to the Faculties of Art and Sauder:
Rebekkah Coburn Associate Director 604-822-4480 | Provides advice and service to the Faculty of Science:
Mark Trowell Executive Director, Faculty Relations & ALDP 604-822-9725 |
UBC Okanagan
Alex Bayne Director, Human Resources, Okanagan 250-807-8618 |
Leah Terai Senior Manager, Faculty and Employee Relations, Okanagan 250-807-8029 |
Kristin Cacchioni Senior Manager, Faculty and Employee Relations, Okanagan 250-807-8296 |
Trisha Kasawski Faculty Relations and Immigration Consultant, Okanagan 250-807-9819 |
Jacky Ivans HR Relocation and Benefit Services Associate, Okanagan 250-807-8928 |
Paycheque related issues and health/life insurance benefits
For questions on paycheque-related issues or health and life insurance benefits, please refer to the Payroll contact list on the Finance site.
Faculty Pension Plan
For detailed information, please visit the Faculty Pension Plan site.
Completed appointment processes received by Faculty Relations at least 10 working days before the Payroll cut-off dates will normally meet the cut-off dates outlined.