Relocation claims deadline is March 14

If your faculty or department needs to submit relocation claims for the fiscal year 2024/25, you have until March 14, 2025.  

For all the details on how to submit a claim, please review the Relocation information for hiring departments page (CWL required) for all the steps, for both campuses. 

Below is a quick summary of the process for UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan relocation claims.   

To submit relocation claims: Vancouver  

Faculties/departments will need to submit the request using the accounting journals in Workday. You will need to attach to the journal with the following information:   

  • Relocation claim form
  • Copies of receipts/invoices
  • Copies of general ledger details
  • Any other relevant supporting documentation.    

If your department or faculty doesn’t have Workday access to submit the claim using the accounting journal, please contact  

To submit relocation claims: Okanagan  

Faculties/departments will need to send a completed relocation claim form along with copies of receipts/invoices, as well as copies of general ledger details and any other relevant supporting documentation to UBCO Finance ( They will review and process the reimbursements.  


If your faculty or department needs to submit relocation claims for the fiscal year 2024/25, the deadline is 5 pm — Friday, March 14.

Questions or comments?  

If you have any questions about the relocation policy or services, please contact Joyce Wei, Finance, Relocation and Benefits Analyst, in Human Resources at 604-822-6865 or 


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