Call for nominations for the 2025 President’s Awards for Staff


University of British Columbia President's Staff Awards gold medal on navy blue banner

Do you have a colleague who inspires you to be your best, or know a staff member who helps shape the future of teaching, research, or work at UBC?

To recognize and celebrate those who demonstrate outstanding achievement and excellence within the UBC community, we invite students, faculty and staff to nominate staff for the 2025 President’s Service Award for Excellence and the President’s Staff Awards.  

President’s Service Awards for Excellence

The President’s Service Awards for Excellence are the premier staff award at UBC, and honour staff with sustained exceptional contribution. All staff with five or more years of continuous service are eligible for this award. Up to five recipients receive a medal and $5,000 each. 

President’s Staff Awards

The President’s Staff Awards for UBC Vancouver staff honour exceptional contribution in specific areas that are important to UBC. All staff at UBC Vancouver with two or more years of continuous service, and who are actively employed by UBC at the time of the award presentation, are eligible.  

Five award categories are open for the nomination of individuals. The category of Collaborative Excellence is open for the nomination of groups of two or more staff. Up to 12 recipients/groups are selected (two per category) and recipients receive $2,000 each. The prize is split for recipients in the Collaborative Excellence category. 

The President’s Staff Awards recognize contributions in the following six categories: 

  1. Leadership 
  2. Enhancing the UBC Experience  
  3. Creativity and Innovation 
  4. Advancing Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence 
  5. Wellbeing 
  6. Collaborative Excellence  

Detailed award criteria is available in the nomination package on the UBC Focus on People website. The nomination deadline is 4 pm, Friday, March 28.  

Visit the UBC Focus on People website to read past recipient profiles and their contributions to making UBC a great place to work, learn, and research.   

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