Two inclusive hiring opportunities now available: EDI job boards and Special Programs

Enhance your equitable hiring practices with two new opportunities.  

Make use of two new inclusive hiring opportunities, brought to you by the Talent Acquisition team within Central HR. Learn more about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) job boards and Special Programs under the BC Human Rights Code. 

Funding available for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) job board postings

The Talent Acquisition office within Central HR has been awarded $10,000 in Strategic Equity and Anti-Racism (StEAR) Enhancement funding to advertise UBC job opportunities on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) job boards. EDI job boards are third-party platforms where employers can post job opportunities to market to specific equity seeking and deserving groups. Posting on EDI job boards provides greater exposure for your job opportunity and can provide you with a more diverse applicant pool for your hiring process.  

A resource list of EDI jobs boards is available on the Inclusive Recruitment webpage (CWL required) which provides a list of inclusive job boards for hiring managers to consider. 


The deadline for this initiative is October 3, 2025, or whenever the funds are depleted (whichever comes first). 

Get in touch

If you are interested in posting your opportunity on an EDI job board and accessing this funding, please get in touch with the Inclusive Hiring Facilitator to discuss options and learn more.  

Support for developing Special Programs under the BC Human Rights Code 

UBC supports Special Programs under the BC Human Rights Code. These programs address barriers for federally designated groups, and help us achieve inclusion and fairness, which in turn brings rich diversity to UBC as a workplace. 

There are various ways in which hiring managers and people leaders can make use of Special Programs to achieve equitable hiring. You are encouraged to explore Special Program options and how your department or faculty can make use of this resource.  

Options for Special Hiring Initiatives can include: 

  • Restricted Hiring: open only to people from specific designated groups
  • Preferential Hiring: open to all but gives preference to designated groups
  • Combined Approach: limits applicants to specific groups and applies preferences
Get in touch

This program is ongoing and there is no deadline to make use of this opportunity. Get in touch with the Inclusive Hiring Facilitator to discuss options and learn more. 

Learn more about Inclusive Recruitment


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