Updated Sexual Misconduct Policy and new mandatory training for faculty and staff

UBC has updated its Sexual Misconduct Policy and has launched new required training for all faculty and staff to ensure everyone understands UBC’s expectations under the revised policy. 

Updated Sexual Misconduct Policy 

Under the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act, UBC is required to update its Sexual Misconduct Policy (SC17) every three years. Over the course of 2023 and 2024, a Policy Development Committee undertook an extensive community engagement process and developed recommended updates to UBC’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. The Board of Governors recently approved amendments to the policy, which became effective on October 1, 2024. 

New required training for faculty and staff 

In addition to updating UBC’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, UBC has created a new mandatory training course for faculty and staff on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct. The new course launched on January 20, 2025 and will educate all employees on the policy, including how to support a workplace free from sexual violence and how to respond to disclosures of sexual violence in a trauma-informed way. 

This training will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, and all UBC faculty and staff are required to complete it. 

Technical note: To avoid error messages and navigation issues, users may need to clear their browsing data (cookies and cache). We recommend using Chrome as your browser when accessing this course - phones and tablets are not recommended for effectively engaging with this course. For any other technical issues, employees can contact support.wpl@ubc.ca for support.

Target completion date

Faculty and staff are encouraged to complete the training by Friday, February 28. 

Anyone who has not completed the training by that date will receive reminder notifications via Workday until they have completed it.

Get started

Complete the training on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct at the link below. 

Register now


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