Prior Authorization Program (Extended Health Plan)
For medical services and equipment in excess of $5,000, a pre-authorization is required. Please refer to page 18 of the Policy Booklet (2017 edition).
Prior authorization requires that coverage for certain drug therapies be pre-approved based on certain criteria. For full details, refer to page 14-15 of the Policy Booklet (2017 edition).
You can also read about prior authorization on our website:
- Go to
- Scroll to find the header, “About RSB”.
- Click on “Extended Health”.
- Scroll to find “Reimbursement level for eligible expenses”.
- Click on “Prior Authorization Program”.
Predetermination (Dental)
Before you receive treatment for any dental procedure(s) that costs more than $500, we recommend that you receive a predetermination from Sun Life. For full details, refer to page 32 of the Policy Booklet (2017 edition).
You can also access this information on our website:
- Go to
- Scroll to find the header “About RSB”.
- Click on “Dental”.
- Scroll to find “Dental care predetermination (over $500)”.
In our winter 2019 edition of Viewpoints, we will expand on these two topics. Look for the article in December.
Posted in Articles
- HR
- Viewpoints