Workplace Drama: Reflections on the Rehearsing Conflict Summer Intensive

Workplace Drama: Reflections on the Rehearsing Conflict Summer Intensive

Image captured during performance. Three characters on stage, one sitting at a desk in the foreground, while the second walks away in frustration from the third character who is calling out for her attention.
A dramatic image capturing the tension and frustration in the play "Passed Over and Pissed Off" which debuted on June 13, 2023.

The Rehearsing Conflict Summer Intensive, held from June 7 to 13 at UBC's Vancouver campus, brought together a diverse cast of sixteen participants from across the UBC community. Through self-reflective discussions and immersive exercises, they explored workplace conflict. They reenacted workplace conflict experiences, examining the underlying emotions and motivations driving tensions. Developing skills in non-violent communication, they intervened and defused conflicts with courage. The participants formed strong bonds through their close collaboration and exchange of invaluable insights. Drawing on their newfound knowledge and collective wisdom, the cast co-wrote plays which depicted a range of workplace conflict dynamics.

On June 13, at the Frederic Wood Theatre, an audience gathered to witness their thought-provoking performances. Audience members were challenged to grapple with the complex interpersonal situations central to the plays, whether it was a distracted coworker causing delays or a dismissive director undermining the team. The Conflict Theatre methodology invites the cast and audience members alike to step into the shoes of the characters in the plays, attempting to understand the values and identities that underpin their actions. Each scene peeled back layers to reveal the hidden depths of the conflicts and often-ignored aspects of human nature. Conflict Theatre’s Faculty Lead, Dr. Tom Scholte, guided the cast and audience through these murky waters as the resident “joker” of the event. At curtain, the cast's exceptional performances garnered resounding applause.

Equipped with new skills and insights, the cast has returned to their respective corners of the university where they continue to promote conflict engagement with compassion. We hope that the audience departed with fresh perspectives on conflict, carrying enhanced awareness of the underlying systems shaping human interactions. The transformative impact of this experience endures - a testament to the remarkable power of art and the potential for personal growth and understanding when confronting workplace conflicts.

The Conflict Theatre team is immensely grateful for the time and interest of the participants and audience members alike. Every person played a part in making this year’s Summer Intensive a booming success.

Learn more about Conflict Theatre


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