Whether you are new to BC or if you have been in the province your whole life finding the right health provider can be difficult – where do you start?
As a member of UBC’s Extended Health Benefits (EHB) plan, you can access reimbursements for a range of services, from nutritionists, and podiatrists, to mental health and psychological services. Having access to reimbursements is great, but at the end of the day what you most want is an improvement in your health – you need the right provider to make this happen. This is where Lumino Health comes in.
Lumino Health Centre is available to UBC employees on the EHB plan with access to mysunlife.ca. Lumino Health Centre makes it easier for members of our EHB to access the tools and resources needed to live healthier lives. This includes access to Canada’s largest network of health providers, credible health content, and discounts & offers all in one place.
Start exploring Lumino Health today on the mysunlife.ca website, or take a look at a few of the highlights below.
Note: You will need to sign in to mysunlife.com to get access to the Lumino Provider Search
Find a healthcare provider in seconds
Massage therapists, psychologists, physiotherapists, and more, can be found in your area by searching Lumino Health. Let’s take a look at an example: accessing mental health resources.
The pandemic has been a challenging time for many and transitioning through different phases of the pandemic may require some mental health intervention. For example, getting into the habit of regular mental health check-ins may be beneficial. If you visit Lumino Health, you can use the Health Provider Search to find a mental health professional, many of whom are offering virtual appointments right now. We know that there are challenges accessing these services as there is a shortage of mental health providers in BC and around the world. But leveraging a tool like Lumino Health can take some of the stress and guesswork out of the process of finding the right health provider for you.
Don’t forget the limits for psychological services recently increased to $3,000 per person, per year for 100% reimbursement for reasonable and customary charges.
To use the service, login via mysunlife.ca and use the Lumino Provider Search on the home page.

Get access to discounts on health and wellness products and services in Lumino Resources and Offers
Lumino Health partners with Canadian companies to help you take the next step on your health journey. Explore the offers available for vision & hearing products, medical supplies & equipment, pet health, mental wellness, and much more. After signing in to mysunlife.ca, navigate to Lumino Resources & Offers to get started.

Lumino Health is always available, any time you need it. Start finding a health-care provider or discounts in Lumino Resources and Offers today. And please note, Lumino Health is a product of Sun Life, if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback please contact them directly.
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- HR
- Benefits FYI
- HR Network News