Thinking of retiring from UBC? Here’s what you need to know about your benefits.

Retiring represents a significant life transition that requires planning and preparation. You may be wondering what happens to your benefits when you retire.

When you retire, you can no longer access the same benefits that were available to you as a UBC employee. However, if you are 55 or older, you can choose to enroll in any of the benefit plans under UBC’s Retirement and Survivor Benefits (RSB) Program, including Extended Health, Dental and / or the Employee and Family Assistance Plan.

Benefits end date in Workday

When you decide to retire, your UBC benefits will terminate. The extended health and dental coverage terminate at the end of the month in which your current appointment with UBC ends. For example, if your UBC appointment ends on March 13, your extended health and dental coverage will end on the last day of March. EFAP coverage continues for 3 months from the end of the month of your last day of employment with UBC. For example, if your employment ends on March 13, your EFAP coverage will continue until the end of June. Basic group life insurance, disability insurance and contributions to the pension plan end as of the last date worked.

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Timeline to enroll in RSB Benefits

If you are retiring or leaving UBC and you are 55 or older, you have 31 days from the date your active benefits terminate to enrol in any of the plans under the optional Retirement and Survivor Benefits Program. After the 31-day enrolment period, you are no longer able to join the RSB plans.

RSB Benefit Coverage

The RSB extended health and dental coverage is not the same as that offered to current UBC employees and you are responsible for paying the monthly premiums. Before enroling in the RSB Benefits plan, it is important that you understand the details of the plan and ensure that it is the right option for you and your dependents.

Visit the Retirement & Survivor Benefits page on the HR website to learn more about eligibility, plan coverage, cost and the enrolment process.


  • HR
  • Benefits FYI

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