Faculty & Staff Sports Day is back on Friday, May 2.
Registration is now open for teams and individuals on both campuses.
Faculty and staff from UBC Vancouver and Okanagan are invited to participate in this popular event that seeks to foster wellbeing and thriving communities through physical activity and social connection. Take on these fun physical challenges for bragging rights, for movement, for fun, and for camaraderie! Activities are suitable for varying levels of experience, fitness and ability. Whether you want to participate as an office, department, group of colleagues or an individual, there is an activity for everyone. There are also opportunities to volunteer if you are looking for other ways to participate.
This year celebrates the 15th edition of the free event, and the 13th edition in the Okanagan, which takes place thanks to a partnership between UBC Human Resources, UBC Recreation, and the dedication of amazing volunteers from across the UBC Community.
Ready to register? Jump straight to the registration!

Get creative
Perhaps the most important thing to know is this event is a lot of fun! Every year we are overjoyed by the brilliant costumes (and names) our teams come up with! While we encourage everyone to get competitive, we also want participants to get creative. Have a look at the photo gallery from last year's event for some inspiration.
Every year the incredible diversity of sports and activities wouldn't be possible without the set up and event volunteers. If you want to take part, but aren't feeling competitive, consider volunteering for Sports Day!
Ready to participate? Take a look at all the details for your campus and register today! register
Faculty & Staff Sports Day: Friday, May 2
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