Midpoint progression increase: moving staff to midpoint of salary range

Departments should be aware of the process for ensuring eligible staff move toward their salary range midpoint within the appropriate timeframe. 

UBC has procedures in place to ensure that staff in eligible employee groups move to the midpoint of their salary range within a specified timeframe, subject to satisfactory performance. This process is called the midpoint progression increase (MPI), and these increases are funded by departmental budgets. 

Managers and administrators must ensure that staff in the following employee groups move to their salary range midpoint within the appropriate timeframe:   

  • AAPS
  • Non-Union Technicians & Research Assistants (TRA)
  • Executive Administrative (Exec Admin)  
  • Farm Workers 

Identifying eligible staff 

Staff members who are currently below their salary range midpoint and are eligible for the MPI can be identified through the ‘Midpoint Progression Eligibility Report’ in Workday. Instructions on how to run the report are available in the Knowledge Base: Probationary and Midpoint Progression Increase (CWL required). Departments are expected to use this report to complete their employees’ annual review. 

Excluded M&P (XMP) staff and Service Unit Directors (SUDs) are not included in this process, as their compensation is governed by a separate process. Please contact your HR Advisor if you have any concerns about the performance of these employees. 

MPI for AAPS staff members 

The university will ensure that staff who are members of AAPS progress to the midpoint of their salary range by the end of four years in their position, subject to satisfactory performance. This is in accordance with Letter of Agreement #1 in the Agreement on Conditions and Terms of Employment between UBC and AAPS. 

Under this agreement, salary increases must be implemented no later than the employee’s anniversary date. The amount of the increase is at the department’s discretion, provided the staff member reaches the midpoint of the salary range by the end of their fourth year in the role. 

MPI for Non-Union Technicians & Research Assistants (TRAs), Executive Administrative Staff (Exec Admin), and Farm Workers 

The university will ensure that staff who are members of these groups progress to the midpoint of their salary range by the end of two years in their position, subject to satisfactory performance. This is in accordance with the Handbook for Technicians & Research Assistants and the Handbook for Executive Administrative Staff. 

For employees who have reached their one-year anniversary mark, managers have the discretion of providing a midpoint progression increase up to the midpoint salary (i.e., it’s not mandatory to wait for two years).   

Adjustments to salaries are not automatic 

Employees in any employee group who are eligible for MPI will not be automatically adjusted to the midpoint of their salary range – managers are required to run the report, determine eligibility, and then adjust salaries accordingly.  

Managers or administrators need to complete a ‘Request a Compensation Change’ business process in Workday to effect the change. The increases are effective on the employee’s anniversary date in their current position. It is important that managers also inform their employees of their midpoint progression increase outcomes and effective dates. 


Please contact your HR Advisor/Associate if you have questions regarding midpoint progression increases, including any questions related to performance issues that may impact MPI. If you have questions about running the report, contact or submit a ticket with the Integrated Service Centre. 

Learn more about MPI increases on the Staff salary administration page (CWL required). 


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