International Women's Day is on March 8


Four animated profile figures of women

This Saturday, March 8 is International Women’s Day. Marked by millions of people globally, this day celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.  This year’s theme encourages us to accelerate action for gender equality, which includes increased momentum in addressing the systemic barriers and biases that women face, both in personal and professional spheres. 

International Women’s Day has been recognized and celebrated for over a hundred years, with the first official gathering recorded back in 1911, supported by over a million people. Today, this day belongs to each of us to celebrate in a unique and meaningful way that honours the advancement of women worldwide. Recognizing International Women’s Day each year provides an important platform to engage across communities, reflect on progress made, and commit to further action so that we can truly make a positive difference for women.  

This year in particular, given the challenging global pressures many are facing, we encourage each of you to take a moment to recognize the important women in your life. Here at UBC, we appreciate the determination, innovation, leadership, resilience and compassion that women bring to the workplace every day.  

Read more about addressing inequities and advancing excellence at UBC from Dr. Arig al Shaibah, Associate Vice-President, UBC Equity & Inclusion Office. 


Adam Charania 
Vice President, Human Resources  


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