How to Thrive in Real Life

My favourite time of the year at UBC is back, and it’s here for a whole month! UBC Thrive is my professional version of the Super Bowl: months of preparation, sweat and effort on the part of our fantastic planning committee, finally come to fruition.

Maintaining our mental health is a journey that has its up and downs. Personally, this fall was a bit of a wake-up call in highlighting the importance of nurturing my mental health and wellbeing, especially when it comes to acknowledging limitations and being self-compassionate.

Research consistently points to five ways that can help promote and support a healthy mind. We call these the Thrive 5. In the spirit of Thrive month, I wanted to share some of the tangible ways that I’m trying to bring the Thrive 5 to life.

Moving More Instead of dedicating large chunks of time to the gym (which I tend to blow off for other things), I’ve started doing quick 10-minute workouts on a yoga mat in my living room. I’m more consistent in being active, and it gives me a daily boost of energy!
Resting Up I have totally changed up my sleep routine. Honestly I didn’t really have one before which is not helpful given my tendency to be a night owl. Now I have a set bedtime, a pre-sleep relaxation routine and I read a book instead of my phone.
Eating Well A dietitian friend once told me there was no such thing as “good” or “bad” foods. Her advice was to, on average, eat more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff. I like throwing a handful of spinach into my stir-fry’s or subbing out half of the meat in a meal for lentils.
Giving Back Thank you’s go a long way. When I’m recognized or thanked for a job well-done, I like to pause, and then acknowledge someone who helped me reach that achievement. It’s a nice way to pay it forward and reminds me that I cannot succeed alone.
Saying Hi Feeling connected, heard and supported is really important. My partner and I have instituted a no-phone policy when we eat meals together – at home or when eating out. It removes distractions and allows us to be present with each other.
Click here to see the full Thrive 5 infographic!

How do you thrive? Comment below if you would like to share how you live the Thrive 5 every day.

This November, while I encourage you to use the Thrive 5 as ways to explore mental health, I also encourage you to listen to your needs. And if you’re looking for ideas to help explore your own path to mental health, check out the amazing Thrive Calendar for a variety of engaging events, activities and experiences happening throughout the month. Happy Thrive!

All my best,

Image removed.

Photo credit: UBC Thrive


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