In this edition of Workday corner, we answer a few of the most frequently asked questions the Integrated Service Centre (ISC) and HR staff have responded to recently.

Benefits coverage and overage dependents
There are two situations where your child between the ages of 19 to 25 is also considered a dependent child and can continue receiving coverage under your UBC benefits plan:
- Under 25, not married and a full-time student as defined by the education institution which your dependent child is a student, attending an educational institution recognized under the Income Tax Act (Canada), not married or in a legally recognized marriage-like relationship and is entirely dependent on you for financial support.
- You will need to confirm student status along with start and end dates. Please note that the Student Status end date is the end of the month of your child’s next birthday or the end of the school term in which they complete their studies, whichever is the earlier date.
- If there are any changes such as your child taking a gap year (non-summer break) or not returning to school, it is your responsibility to make the appropriate change in Workday. Please visit the Making Enrolment Changes page.
- Incapable of financial self-support because of physical or mental disability and Disabled Child Coverage approved by Sun Life. There is no age limit for continued coverage as long as your child is:
- Diagnosed with a disability before age 25
- Entirely dependent on you for financial support
- Not married or in any other formal union recognized by law.
- You can confirm your child’s disability status in Workday. After your enrollment is submitted, you will receive Sun Life’s form to confirm your child’s disability status. Please note that this form must be submitted to Sun Life for approval within 31 days of your child’s coverage ending.
Provincial Healthcare Number
Your Personal Health Number (PHN) is your unique ID number under the Medical Services Plan of BC. Sun Life requires all extended health plan members to have provincial health coverage, and you cannot enrol in UBC’s Extended Health Plan until you have added your PHN (or the equivalent health number for other provinces) in the personal information tab in Workday. If your PHN is not included in your personal information tab, you will not receive a notification to enroll in the extended health plan. For more information, see the ‘I am missing the Extended Health benefit. How do I enroll?’ guide in the Workday Knowledge Base.
Promotions, primary job switch, or return from leave
If your appointment changes, such as a promotion, primary job switch, new employee group or return from leave, it’s important that you check your Workday inbox for a ‘Benefits Change Event’ task as you will need to act on this task and re-enroll in benefits due to this change.
If you require any help with Workday, please submit a support request through the UBC Self Service Portal or review the Workday knowledgebase articles to see if your question has been answered. If you need assistance with a specific employee’s case, please contact the Faculty Relations manager or HR Advisor where appropriate.
Posted in Articles
- HR
- Benefits FYI