Announcing the Director, Academic Leadership Development Program

A message from Marcia Buchholz, Vice-President, Human Resources and Andrew Szeri, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, Vancouver.

As co-sponsors of UBC’s Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP), we are very pleased to announce that Dee Dee Sung has accepted the role as ALDP Director & Coach effective May 19, 2020.

Dee Dee is a collaborative leader with over 20 years progressive experience in the public and private sectors and higher education. Currently serving as Director, Gift & Estate Planning, UBC Development & Alumni Engagement, Dee Dee is recognized for her ability to foster long-term work relationships. In addition, she is an experienced leadership coach to faculty and staff at UBC.

In her new role, Dee Dee will work closely with the ALDP Co-Academic Directors and planning committee to ensure the ALDP program continues to support, strengthen and expand the knowledge and capacity of new academic leaders at UBC.

As Dee Dee steps into the role that Mark Trowell has filled during the past year, we extend our thanks for Mark’s leadership during a time of challenging transition, and extend good wishes for his new role as Director, Faculty Relations, including his continued engagement on the ALDP planning team.

Congratulations, Dee Dee.


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