Staff Professional Development fund claims due by February 28

Submit staff Professional Development (PD) fund claims for current fiscal year by February 28.

The current funding year for staff Professional Development funding is April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. The deadline for staff and research associates to submit PD fund claims is on February 28, 2025 

Staff and research associates can submit claims on a first-come, first-served basis until the annual funding pools are exhausted or by February 28 - whichever comes first. A deadline is in place prior to the end of the fiscal funding year to allow time for administrative review and processing.  

This deadline does not apply to staff in the CUPE 2950 and the Non-union Technicians and Research Assistants employee groups as those groups have already exhausted their funding pools for April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. 

Submit your PD fund claims in Workday by February 28 

Professional Development fund claims are entered, reviewed, and approved directly in Workday. To meet UBC Finance fiscal year-end deadlines:  

  • If you are staff or a research associate, submit your reimbursement claim in Workday by Friday, February 28.
  • If you are a manager or supervisor, review and approve all claims in Workday by Friday, March 14.  

Prior to making a purchase or submitting a claim for reimbursement, review the staff professional development funding page or the research associate professional development funding page for full guidelines. 

Claim submissions will recommence on April 1, 2025, at the start of the new funding year.   


Guides on how to use your PD funds are available in the Integrated Service Center’s Workday Knowledge Base (CWL required). 

Key resource guides include: 

Faculty Professional Development funding  

The funding timelines, deadlines and budgetary considerations noted above do not apply to faculty, apart from Research Associates.  

For information on faculty PD funds, visit the Faculty Professional Development Funding page. 


If you have questions, please contact 

Learn more about PD funding


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