Workday corner: Making changes to your benefits coverage

As life happens, there may be times when you wish to add or remove a dependent from your benefits coverage. You are able to make these updates yourself directly in Workday.

Adding a dependent

Once you are logged into Workday, select the Benefits worklet and then select Benefits under the Change section. From there, you will be able to select Enroll/Waive/Add or Remove Dependent (Other than Divorce/Separation/Death) – Health Benefits. Workday will walk you through the steps to add a dependent to your benefits coverage.

Knowledge Base Article: How do I enroll in, waive, add or remove a Dependent from my health benefits coverage?

Removing a dependent due to separation or divorce

When removing a dependent due to separation or divorce, you need to update the status of their relationship to you first. Once you are logged into Workday, select the Benefits worklet and then select Dependents under the Change section. From there, you will be able to select Edit and update the relationship status. Workday will then send you a benefits task in your Workday inbox to walk you through removing the dependent from your health benefits coverage and updating your beneficiary if required.

Knowledge Base Article: How do I change benefits coverage and Beneficiary for divorce, separation or death?

Other benefit changes:

You can also make the following benefit changes in Workday:

  • Change your Life Insurance beneficiary
  • Change your Staff Pension Plan beneficiary (if you are enrolled in the BCGEU Childcare Pension Plan, please contact D.A. Townley to make beneficiary changes; if you are enrolled in the Faculty Pension Plan, please contact Sun Life).
  • Enroll/change Optional Life/AD&D or waive Optional Life/AD&D
  • Enroll/change/cancel Faculty Voluntary Contributions
  • Enroll in the Faculty Pension Plan

Please refer to the below Knowledge Base articles for step by step instructions:

For further information and assistance, please contact the Integrated Service Centre (ISC).


  • HR
  • Benefits FYI

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