Let kindness grow — Pink Shirt Day is on February 26


2025 Pink Shirt Day | UBC VPFO

In the spirit of cultivating communities of kindness, support, and belonging, we invite faculty and staff to participate in Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday, February 26.

Now a global movement, Pink Shirt Day grew from an act of kindness in Nova Scotia when a group of students supported a fellow student being bullied for wearing a pink t-shirt to school.

Wear a pink shirt (you can buy one from the UBC Bookstore), download a pink Zoom background, or contribute in your own way.

Support for faculty and staff

If you need to speak with someone about your challenges, you can access confidential counselling services via the UBC Employee and Family Assistance Program.

UBC’s extended health benefits plan provides 100% coverage based on reasonable and customary charges for licensed psychologists, social workers or registered clinical counsellors up to a maximum of $3,000 for each person per benefit year (includes counselling services and psychological testing). Additional information can be found on the extended health benefits page.

Strengthen your resilience

For faculty and staff

If you are looking to strengthen your resilience, these courses (free for UBC faculty and staff) may be helpful:

For managers and people leaders

For leaders looking to create a psychologically healthy workplace:

More from our community

The VP Finance & Operations portfolio is hosting their 8th Annual Pink Shirt Day Celebration - both virtually and in-person with multiple sessions throughout the day to accommodate for staff who work evening shifts.

We invite you to explore these resources from our community:



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