How to use your UBC benefits to support your financial literacy

UBC's benefits and pension plans may help support you in financial planning and managing your finances  

It seems like 2025 ushered in a period of financial uncertainty. While inflation, tariffs, and increasing financial complexity aren’t within our individual control, we can empower ourselves by improving our financial literacy. Thankfully, UBC has a range of resources, programs, and plans to help you understand, plan, and manage your finances.  

When you improve your financial literacy, you have the knowledge to make better financial decisions. Whether it's budgeting for your monthly expenses, saving for a rainy day, or investing in your future, knowing more about your personal finance can make a huge difference. By improving your financial literacy, you can avoid common financial pitfalls and build a secure foundation for your future. Plus, in times of economic uncertainty, being financially savvy can boost your financial resilience and stability. 


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  • Benefits FYI
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