Year-end deadlines are almost here: have you utilized your benefits?

To get the most from your benefits, it's important to fully utilize your benefit plans and take advantage of your annual maximums before they reset. 

Health, both physical and mental, is the cornerstone of wellbeing. That's why UBC offers a comprehensive range of benefits to support the health and wellbeing of faculty, staff, and their eligible dependents. The end of the year is rapidly approaching, make sure you are investing in your own health and wellbeing by using the benefits you need. Here are the most important benefits plan deadlines. 

Extended Health claims deadline   

If you have any outstanding extended health claims (everything from healthcare services, medical equipment purchases, hearing or vision care) between January 1 to December 31, 2023, you must claim these reimbursements with Sun Life no later than December 31, 2024.  

To learn how to submit claims, please visit the Making a claim page.   

Dental claims deadline   

To be considered for reimbursement, dental claims must be received by Sun Life no later than one year from the date of service. For example, if you made a dental claim on November 27, 2023, Sun Life must receive the claim no later than November 26, 2024.   

To learn how to submit claims, please visit the Making a claim page.    

Health Spending Account claims deadline

If you are eligible for this benefit, the HSA provides you with an annual credit to pay for certain expenses that are not covered by UBC’s Extended Health and Dental plans. These expenses could include the cost of deductibles or amounts over plan maximums. The HSA credit is allocated to you and you may use it to pay for claims for your eligible dependents.  

Employee groups can access the following HSA credits per year: 

  • $500 per year if you are a member of CUPE 116, 
  • $375 per year if you are a member of CUPE 2950, 
  • $400 per year if you are a member of the Management & Professional employee group (includes Management & Professional, Excluded Management & Professional, Service Unit Director and Administrative Executive), 
  • $1,000 per year if you are a member of IUOE 115, 
  • $200 per year if you are a member of BCGEU Vancouver (Child Care), 
  • $200 per year if you are a member of BCGEU Okanagan, or 
  • $400 per year if you are a member of the Faculty (includes Academic Executives and Postdoctoral Fellows) employee group. 

Eligible CUPE 2278 (Teaching Assistants) members should review the Health Spending Account: CUPE 2278 page for more information on their new HSA benefit.

If you have unpaid extended health and/or dental care claims dated between January 1 to December 31, 2024, that you would like reimbursed from your HSA, this must be received by Sun Life no later than March 31, 2025 (that is, 90 days  after December 31, 2024). After March 31, 2025, your 2024 claims for extended health and/or dental are no longer eligible for submission under the Health Spending Account plan.  

For more information on your HSA, including information on eligible expenses and how to submit claims, visit Have you used your 2024 Health Spending Account? 

CUPE 2950 and Management & Professionals: Don’t forget your Personal Spending Account 

We introduced the Personal Spending Account (PSA) in 2024 to provide eligible members of CUPE 2950 and Management & Professional employee groups with an annual credit to pay for a broad range of expenses not covered by a Health Spending Account. The PSA credit is allocated to you and you may use it to pay for claims for your eligible dependents, including categories like fitness, education, and personal development. 

You have 90 days from the end of the benefit year (December 31) to submit a PSA claim for expenses incurred during that year. Visit Personal Spending Account on the HR website for more information. 

Keep your information up to date  

When the calendar clicks over to 2025, it is a good time to review all your benefits information and make sure it is up to date. Have there been any changes to your dependents on the plan? Perhaps someone has left school, or maybe there is a new addition to the family? You can also review your optional benefits, including Optional Life insurance for you and your spouse.  

We shared a couple of tips and links to the Workday Knowledge Base earlier this year, take a look at Are you enrolled in the right benefit plans? for all the details and to ensure you can get full value from your benefits in 2025 and beyond. 


  • HR
  • Benefits FYI

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