Benefits FYI is our quarterly benefits newsletter for UBC staff and faculty who are enrolled in one of our benefits plans.
Benefits FYI Newsletter
Non-Union Employee Group Name Change & Changes to Vision Care
As of April 1, 2018, CUPE 2278 (English Language Instructors – ELI) merged with the Executive Administrative, Farm Workers, and Non-Union Technicians & Research Assistants staff employee groups, for extended health and dental coverage purposes.
- HR
- Benefits FYI
Expansion of Maternity, Parental and Compassionate Care Leaves
In the February 2018 issue of Benefits FYI, we explained how Employment Insurance (EI) benefits and UBC’s Supplemental Employment Benefits top-up would work as a result of the federal government changes to EI benefits for maternity and parental leaves that came into effect on December 3, 2017.
- HR
- Benefits FYI