

Changes within Central HR portfolio

The following message was sent on behalf of Adam Charania and Jerry Chen, AVPs HR, to central HR at both campuses on April 20, 2022. It is with mixed emotions that we wish to announce the following two changes within the central HR portfolio:


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Remote Work update

Last year UBC announced the introduction of a Remote Work pilot program to formalize alternate work arrangements, where operationally feasible. We are now gaining more insights into the Remote Work program and its effects on faculty, staff, heads, directors, and operational leaders — as well as on the campuses and culture of the university more broadly.


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Land Acknowledgements – Why do we do them?

At this inclusive and bridge-building webinar hosted by the Faculty of Education and Development and Alumni Engagement, all are invited to deepen their understanding by listening to panellists from different Indigenous nations/bands who will discuss the purpose and meaning of these important customary statements.


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Workday 2022 Release 1 complete

The latest Workday release – which included changes to the homepage, search functionality, and navigation – was completed successfully on Saturday, March 12.


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Autism and neurodiversity in the workplace

Are you curious about late-diagnosed autism in adults and want to know more about the lesser-known ways that autism can present?


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