

New approach to coordinating surveys

In response to the increasing number of electronic surveys being conducted in recent years, a new Survey Governance Committee will manage a consistent and coordinated approach to UBC Surveys. Learn more.


  • HR
  • HR Network News

Searching for work/life balance? Start with these simple strategies.

Follow these simple strategies to help you achieve work/life balance through self-care. Feeling stretched, like you have no time for yourself? Schedule time with friends or time for self-care like you would a meeting or an important work task.


  • HR
  • Wellbeing
  • Healthy UBC

It’s okay to not be okay – your mental health matters

Poor mental health and mental illness affect our personal lives, our work and our workplace. Work also affects our mental health. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and we should take care of both equally.


  • HR
  • Wellbeing
  • Healthy UBC
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