Sessional Conference Fund

The Sessional Conference Fund provides travel grants for Sessional Lecturers who present papers at academic conferences.

As per Article 7.10d of Part 2 of the Collective Agreement, this benefit is dependent on unused Professional Development Reimbursement funds.

Awards are announced once a year in the spring and applications must normally be submitted by end of February for conferences in that calendar year.  The value of the annual award will depend on demand and availability of funds and may be used for travel, accommodation, and conference fees.

Application Deadline for 2025

February 28, 2025. 

Award Amount for 2025

The amount of the award will depend on the number of applications received and may be up to $1,500.


  • Have held an active Sessional Lecturer appointment during the academic year which the application is submitted.
  • Attend a conference within the current calendar year.
  • Return to active appointment prior to February of the subsequent academic year. 

 Awards are limited to one per calendar year per individual.

Eligible Expenses

(a) accommodation
(b) conference registration
(c) transportation 
(d) meals (UBC per diem rate)

Application Process

  • Call for applications: The Faculty Association will put out a call for applications on January 27, 2025 and provide notice of the February 28, 2025 application deadline date.
  • Submission of application. Those wishing to apply will need to complete the Application Form (pdf) and email the completed form to by the deadline date. Note that applications must be for conferences presentations within that calendar year.
  • Approval of application. The UBC Faculty Association assesses all applications received and the successful applicants are provided with written approval of the grant. Note that no expenses will be reimbursed unless the member has prior written approval for expenses from the Faculty Association.
  • Notifications of awards. Applications will be evaluated and notification from the UBC Faculty Association will be emailed in the spring.

Claim Process 

Claim deadline: 2025 award recipients must complete the claim for reimbursement process in Workday by February 28, 2026.

Note: Previous 2024 award recipients must complete the claim for reimbursement process in Workday by February 28, 2025. 

Claims for incurred expenses (up to the award amount)  may be submitted prior to or after your conference takes place provided you are actively on contract at UBC at the time of claim submission and the conference takes place during your active appointment. 

If you attend a conference while you are on leave during the summer, you must wait and submit your claim when you return to teaching at UBC again during the winter term. 

Exception: If you are currently on leave, but have previously incurred expenses for a conference that took place while you were in an active appointment earlier this year, then you may make an immediate claim for reimbursement during the summer leave period.

OPTION 1 - Reimbursement to you (preferred option) 

When Applicable: Use this process when you initially paid your conference related expenses yourself

What to do: In Workday create a PD Fund expense report following the step by step instructions provided in the Integrated Service Center’s Workday knowledge base article: Claim Expenses Against My PD Funds (CWL required)

During your completion of the PD fund expense report, please note the following special instructions to claim your preapproved award amount:

  1. In the initial memo field: Provide the name of the conference, location and dates.
  2. Add a separate expense line for each individual expense.
  3. For expense item use: PD Fund | Faculty - Sessional Conference Fund (preapproved)
  4. For program worktag use: PM000436 (this worktag code will auto-populate when you select the above noted PD Fund expense item).
  5. Under Additional Worktags, from the list of possible PD categories, select:
    • PD Category: Conference Registration or Similar Activity for your conference registration;
    • PD Category: Travel - Conference or Similar Activity for each travel related expense.
  6. For each expense line, upload a copy of the corresponding receipt (except for meals per diem).
  7. Under “Attachments” upload a copy of the Faculty Association’s notification email to you that provides proof of your grant/award preapproved amount and a copy of the conference program listing your participation.
  8. After submission, this PD Fund expense report will be routed to the PD Fund Partner in Human Resources for review and processing. You will receive your reimbursement by direct deposit. 

OPTION 2  - Reimbursement transferred to your department's ledger

When Applicable: Use this process when your department initially paid for your conference expenses.

What to do: In Workday fill out a Request questionnaire named  “ PD Fund Claim - Reimburse My Department”    following the step by step instructions provided in the Integrated Service Center’s Workday knowledge base article: Transfer PD Funds Reimbursement to my Department

During your completion of the request questionnaire form, please note the following special instructions to claim your preapproved award amount:

  1. Describe the Request: Write “ Sessional Conference Fund claim of preapproved award “.
  2. What is your applicable Faculty or Staff PD Fund: Select PD Fund | Faculty - Sessional Conference Fund (preapproved) from the drop down list.
  3. What is your available PD Fund balance: add your award amount here.
  4. Upload required receipts and additional supporting documentation which includes: 
    • Copy of receipt
    • Copy of the ledger entry showing amount charged to the unit ( i.e. amount after the tax rebate has been applied when applicable)
    • Copy of the Faculty Association’s notification email to you that provides proof of your grant/award preapproved amount.
    • Copy of the conference program listing your participation
  5. After submission, this form will be routed to your Manager for approval of the department worktags for the funds transfer and the PD Fund Partner in Human Resources for final review and processing. 
  6. The PD Fund Partner in Human Resources will transfer the approved amount to your department's ledger using an administrative expense report. This transferred amount will be deducted from your available Sessional Conference Fund award amount.

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact the UBC Faculty Association at

If you have questions about the timing and processing of your reimbursement, please contact the Workplace Learning Associate in Human Resources at

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