New change management toolkit and Community of Practice series
The HR Organizational Change and Transition team is excited to present the Leading Change Toolkit offering guidance, resources, and examples to empower UBC leaders to lead and implement change.
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Expiring Training Notifications in Workday
Beginning on September 20, Workday will notify employees of training that expires in 60 days.
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Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, September 30
Each year on September 30, people across Canada wear orange and participate in Orange Shirt Day events to recognize and raise awareness about the history and legacies of the residential school system in Canada.
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Remote work learning opportunities
UBC’s Remote Work program provides an opportunity to consider how future work arrangements will continue to make UBC an inspiring place for students to learn and for faculty and staff to research, teach, and work.
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Learn about IRP Student at a Sept. 29 virtual town hall
All members of the UBC community are invited to attend the virtual IRP Student Town Hall on Wednesday, September 29, from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
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Call-in session to support with 2021 Performance-Based Merit Pay
A reminder that merit spreadsheets are due back to the Compensation team by Friday, October 15.
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New course available to begin or enhance your facilitation skills
Facilitation Skills Training is now available for all UBC employees.
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September 30 - Orange Shirt Day & National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
2021 is the first year that September 30, a day we know as Orange Shirt Day, will be recognized as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and be observed as a holiday in BC. Orange Shirt Day is a day when we wear orange shirts to honour residential school survivors and Phyllis Webstad’s story.
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- Healthy UBC
Time off to vote in the federal election
The Canadian federal election takes place on Monday, September 20, 2021.
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Spotlight on Remote Work: Adaptability and agility
UBC’s Remote Work program provides an opportunity to consider how future work arrangements will continue to make UBC an inspiring place for students to learn and for faculty and staff to research, teach, and work.
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- HR Network News