Ergonomic Assessments

UBC's ergonomics team is available for individual ergonomic assessments of your workspace. The goal of the assessment is to improve your comfort and reduce your risk of musculoskeletal injuries while working. 

To request an ergonomics assessment, complete an ergonomics assessment request form to provide some background information. If you are requesting an assessment for your home office, you will need to include some photos and measurements.

Request an ergonomics assessment

After you have submitted your request, we will reach out to you to schedule an in-person or virtual assessment.  After the assessment, we will follow-up with your Manager to discuss recommendations and feasible options as purchasing decisions are made by the department. A report will be sent to both you and your Manager. 

Prior to requesting an office assessment, we encourage you to review our resources and office ergo webinar.

Please note that assessments are only available for UBC faculty, staff and students with an active paid appointment. We are available for assessments in all UBC work environments including offices, home offices, laboratories, building services, dentistry, food services, child care, etc. 

If you have any questions, please Contact the Ergonomics team.  

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