Travelling Health Fair

Once a year the Travelling Health Fair provides you with information, awareness, self-assessment, and personalized consultation on health topics of importance to you.  

Brought to you by the Health, Wellbeing, and Benefits team in partnership with the UBC Pharmacists Clinic, the event is available at no cost to UBC faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and student staff. 

February 18-21, 2025: Lung Health

For the 2025 Travelling Health Fair, we will take a comprehensive approach to lung health and the health and wellbeing of UBC faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and student staff.

The 2025 UBC Traveling Health Fair gives you the opportunity to learn about breathing and the lungs, check your lung health, be aware of lung health risks and create a personalized action plan for your optimal lung health.  

The UBC Traveling Health Fair is an annual free mobile health clinic offering one-on-one health assessments. As part of this health fair, you will receive the following confidential services:

As part of this health fair, you will receive the following confidential services: 

  • Education on the structure and function of our lungs
  • Learning about common lung conditions and symptoms
  • Measurement of blood pressure, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation
  • Reviewing personal risk factors for lung disease
  • Interpretation of results and an individualized action plan to optimize your lung health

Dates: February 18-21, 2025  

Book an appointment

DateLocationClinic Hours
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Neville Scarfe Building:

SCRF 203-2nd floor

2125 Main Mall

9:00 am- 1:00 pm
Wednesday. February, 19 2025

Robert H Lee Alumni Centre: Polygon and the Bill & Lisa Classrooms

6163 University Boulevard

9:00 am- 1:00 pm
Thursday, February 20, 2025

University Services Building:

The Centre for Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing – Rooms 42A and 42B

2329 West Mall

9:00 am- 1:00 pm
Friday, February 21, 2025

Vancouver General Hospital:

City Square Shopping Centre

Room: CSSC 216-(FLOOR 2)

555 West 12th Ave

9:00 am- 1:00 pm

Who should attend: Open to faculty, staff, and post-doctoral fellows. Everyone is welcome and those with breathing issues, conditions or concerns are encouraged to attend—total appointment time: 25 minutes per participant. 

All health care services are provided by licensed pharmacists and pharmacy students from the Pharmacists Clinic – UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

For more information, please contact Truelove Twumasi, Workplace Wellbeing Programs Specialist.


Health & Wellbeing Disclaimer

The wellbeing information on this website is provided as information only and should not serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, or treatment from qualified physicians, mental health care providers, or other health care providers. External resources have been carefully selected but are not produced by UBC and UBC is not responsible for the content nor does UBC endorse products or services mentioned on these sites. Suggested links and resources are intended to educate but not to replace UBC policies, procedures or advice from health professionals.

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