Pipette fillers

Traditional pipette-fillers result in working in awkward postures which causes pain, reduces speed and duration, and increases risk of errors. An ergonomic long handle pipette filler combined with a shorty seriological pipette significantly improves shoulder posture.

MSI risks

Pipette filler poor
Poor Ergonomics. Awkward Posture: Arm away from side







  • Shoulder abduction strains the shoulder and neck musculature

Improved ergonomics

Pipette filler good
Improved Ergonomics: Arms close to side







  • Use an ergonomic long handle pipette filler and a shorty seriological pipette-this will allow you to keep your arms close to your side as you work
  • Take micro-breaks
  • Rotate tasks

Pipettes provided courtesy of ThermoFisher. Wells provided courtesy of VWR International.

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