Healthy Workplace Initiatives Fund Program

The Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program (HWIP) is an annual fund available to UBC departments and units to support grassroots activities that promote wellbeing in the workplace.

The next round of applications will be open in March 2025. 

Funding Overview 

Guided by the Focus on People (FoP) Framework, Strategy 1: “To develop a sustainable, healthy workplace”, the purpose of this initiative is to develop a program, supported by funding, to which departments can apply to support healthy workplace initiatives and share examples of good practice. The program provides seed fund funds and support for health-related, sustainable initiatives. 

HWIP funds are to provide a de-centralized approach to promoting health and wellbeing to: 

  • Enable units and departments to create and maintain healthy work environments
  • Intended to build capacity and knowledge within units 
  • Support the introduction of healthy initiatives intended to be adopted long-term by the department
  • Embed wellbeing at all levels of the University
  • Reduce individual health risks


Applications will be accepted from any UBC  Vancouver or Okanagan department/unit or UBC-recognized operational committees that represent various departments/units 

Funding Criteria

The following criteria will be used to assess initiative proposals:

  • Applications must demonstrate a clear link between the proposed activities and the promotion of employee wellbeing to promote health equity, reducing barriers and increasing opportunities for UBC staff and faculty to implement healthy behaviours.
  • Proposed initiatives should involve more than one-time workshops, events and team socials. They must encompass a multi-pronged approach to promote wellbeing, reduce barriers and increase opportunities for UBC staff and faculty to implement healthy behaviours.
  • Are accompanied by a long-term plan to sustain the initiative on a continuing basis after the funding period.  Applicants should outline how they expect this initiative to continue after the one-year HWIP funding period has finished.
  • Activities that benefit UBC faculty, staff and postdoctoral fellows.
  • Proposed initiatives should be accessible, inclusive of various abilities, culturally sensitive
  • Endorsement from the departmental head is required.
  • Must utilize funding between June 3, 2024- June 3, 2025

* HWIP is based on a reimbursement model.  All successful departments will need to cover the cost of the initiatives upfront and then submit receipts for reimbursement. Reimbursement will only be made to the UBC faculty/school/department account

Funding exclusions 

  • One-time workshops, programs, or events will not be funded. 
  • Operational expenses (hiring of faculty/staff as instructors or to coordinate the program)
  • Items that fall within the responsibility of the department to provide
  • To conduct primarily research-oriented activities; 
  • For building renovations, furniture, or large-scale fitness equipment.

application and adjudication process

  1. Review and select one of the funding categories below.
  2. Complete the online application form (preview the application here
  3. Submit the senior leader sign-off (you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions)

Each department may submit one application per year and successful applications are selected on a lottery basis until the available funding is exhausted.  All applicants will be notified within two weeks of the application deadline.

Previous HWIP recipients are welcome to apply again however, priority will be given to departments and units that have not received funding in previous rounds.


making the case to your department?

If you are looking for information for supervisors or managers to support an application for a healthy workplace initiative, we’re here to help!  See below for helpful tools and resources.

Investing in workplace health is a sound investment. Studies show the following benefits of workplace health initiatives:

  • Physical exercise, actively working on time management and increased social time help improve occupation stress (particularly among faculty). [1]
  • Active promotion of physical activity and health-related activities in the workplace reduces absenteeism and increases the overall mental health of employees. [2] [3]
  • In Canada, most workplace health programs aim to improve outcomes related to employee stress, work-life balance and depression. [4]
  • Top priorities in Canadian workplaces include 1) developing workplace cultures where individuals are responsible for their health and 2) improving the mental health of employees. [5]

Making the Case for Managers (to help senior leaders understand the benefits of participation)
Evidence to Support Workplace Health Initiatives
Access your units Workplace Experience Survey data

Sign up for the monthly Healthy UBC e-Newsletter to stay informed about HWIP criteria and application deadlines.

For more information please contact Truelove Twumasi, Workplace Wellbeing Programs Specialist:

[1] Arabia, S., Kokash, H. & Arabia, S. Faculty Perception of Stress and Coping Strategies in a Saudi Private University?: An Exploratory Study. Can. Cent. Sci. Educ. 4, 137–149 (2011).
[2] Bhui, K. S., Dinos, S., Stansfeld, S. A. & White, P. D. A Synthesis of the Evidence for Managing Stress at Work: A Review of the Reviews Reporting on Anxiety, Depression, and Absenteeism. J. Environ. Public Health 2012, 1–21 (2012).
[3] Chu, A. H. Y., Koh, D., Moy, F. M. & Muller-Riemenschneider, F. Do workplace physical activity interventions improve mental health outcomes? Occup. Med. (Chic. Ill). 64, 235–245 (2014).

[4] Buck Consultants, Working Well: A Global Survey Of Health Promotion And Workplace Wellness Strategies. 2009. Print. Executive Summary.
[5] Towers Watson, Trends And Directions On Workforce Health And Productivity. 2014. Print. 2013/2014 Staying at Work Survey

HWIP Funding Guide

HWIP Reimbursement Guidelines

HWIP Expense Coversheet

HWIP Participant Post-Survey

HWIP Final Report 

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