Descriptions by position for administrative appointments including vice president, deputy-chancellor, university librarian, dean and principal, associate dean, head and director.
Descriptions by position
Position profiles and job descriptions are specific to each position. All academic administrative positions may be eligible for an administrative leave.
Refer also to information on recruitment of administrative positions.
Vice-president and deputy vice-chancellor
Vice-presidents and the deputy vice-chancellor report to the president and are currently responsible for the following: Academic, Students, Finance & Operations, Research, Development & Alumni Engagement and External Relations. Such appointments are governed by Policy AP12 – Academic Administrator Appointment and Policy AP6 – Academic Administrator Extension.
The appointees are not members of the Faculty Association. If a Vice President also holds an academic appointment, they are exempt from membership in the Faculty Association for the duration of the term.
University librarian
The university librarian is the person who is responsible for UBC’s overall library system across both UBC Okanagan and UBC Vancouver. The position reports to the provost. According to a board of governors regulation, the “University Librarian allocates duties within the Library.” This appointment is governed by Policy AP11 – Registrar/Librarian Appointment.
The appointee is not a member of the Faculty Association. If the university librarian also hold a librarian appointment, they are exempt from membership in the Faculty Association for the duration of the term.
Deans and principals are responsible for leading their respective faculty or equivalent unit subject to the provisions of the University Act. Such appointments are governed by Policy AP5 – Deans/Principals Appointment and Policy AP8 – Deans Extension.
Please note that, according to a regulation made by the Board of Governors, the “Head of the Department (or Dean in a Faculty without Departments) shall allocate teaching and other duties within the Department.”
If the dean is new to the university and is a not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, please submit the necessary forms – see the recruiting foreign academics page for details – to Faculty Relations to process a labour market opinion.
The appointees are exempt from membership in the Faculty Association for the duration of the term.
Associate dean
Associate deans are responsible for assisting the dean in leading a faculty. Each dean is responsible for appointing his or her associate deans.
Associate deans are normally appointed internally. Please review the documentation checklist in order to process the appointment request. Such appointments are subject to the approval of the Provost.
Associate Deans will receive an administrative stipend and may also be granted a teaching release, and possible research funding. Please note that there is no salary scale, minimum or maximum.
As of January 2011 associate deans are exempt from the Faculty Association. This means that both the associate dean position and the professorial appointment are exempt for the duration of the administrative appointment.
Rules for the Appointment and Extension of Appointments for Associate Deans of Faculties at UBC are found on the Appointment Guidelines and Policies page of the UBC Vancouver Provost's Office website. These rules are issued jointly by the Provost and Vice-President, Academic (UBC Vancouver), and Provost and Vice-President, Academic (UBC Okanagan). Please check these rules prior to offering an Associate Dean position.
Heads are responsible for leading an academic department and report to the dean of the relevant faculty. According to a board of governors regulation, the “Head of the Department (or Dean in a Faculty without Departments) shall allocate teaching and other duties within the Department.”
The appointment of heads of academic units is governed by Policy AP9 – Academic Heads.
Please review the documentation checklist in order to process the appointment request, and please see the template offer letter for heads of academic units (doc). Such appointments are subject to the approval of the provost.
If the head is new to the university and is a not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, please submit the necessary forms – see the recruiting foreign academics page for details – to Faculty Relations to process a labour market impact assessment.
An administrative stipend may be provided. Please note that there is no salary scale, however there is a minimum – refer to Policy AP9 – Academic Heads.
The appointees are or continue to be members of the Faculty Association. However, the head position itself is not subject to membership.
Directors are responsible for leading academic schools and report to the dean of the relevant faculty. According to a board of governors regulation, the “Head of the Department (or Dean in a Faculty without Departments) shall allocate teaching and other duties within the Department.”
The appointment of directors is governed by Policy AP9 – Academic Heads.
Please review the documentation checklist in order to process the appointment request, and please see the template offer letter for heads of academic units (doc). Such appointments are subject to the approval of the provost.
If the director is new to the university and is a not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, please submit the necessary forms – see the recruiting foreign academics page for details – to Faculty Relations to process a labour market impact assessment.
An administrative stipend may be provided. Please note that there is no salary scale, however there is a minimum – refer to Policy AP9 – Academic Heads.
The appointees are or continue to be members of the Faculty Association; however, the director position itself is not subject to membership.