For an employee coping with domestic violence, health and wellbeing supports and resources are available through UBC as well as through external community services.
The following supports are intended to complement the newly legislated five days of paid leave for an employee who is coping with domestic violence.
Note: If you think someone is in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1.
Crisis supports
UBC Resources
Helping staff or faculty in distress
Guidelines to support yourself or others to recognize, respond, and refer.
View the Helping staff or faculty in distress page on the HR website
Community Resources
Canadians can call or text 9-8-8 to access bilingual, trauma-informed, and culturally appropriate mental health and suicide prevention support. The service is free and can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Trained crisis responders will listen to you and provide support with compassion, providing a safe space for you to talk.
VictimLink BC
Confidential crisis support for victims of family or sexual violence in up to 150 languages, available 24/7.
Call or text 1-800-563-0808 or 604-836-6381 or email
Crisis Centre
Online chat service for adults. Available noon to 1 am.
Seniors' Abuse and Information Line
Available 8 am to 8 pm daily. Language interpretation is available Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm
Call 1-866-437-1940 or TTY: 604-428-3359
KUU-US Crisis Response Service
Indigenous culturally-aware crisis support for Indigenous peoples in BC.
Call 1-800-588-8717
Metis Nation BC Crisis Line through KUU-US
For immediate crisis intervention and other supports.
Call 1-833-638-4722
Crisis Text Line
Youth and adult texting lines. Text the word(s): “First Nations” or “Metis” or “Inuit” to connect with a First Nations, Metis, or Inuit crisis responder. If someone from your nation is not available, you will be routed to an Indigenous crisis responder; if none are available, a non-Indigenous crisis responder.
Text 68 68 68 for youth or text 741 741 for adults
Interior Crisis Line Network [Kelowna]
All support, crisis, and suicide calls from across the Interior region.
Call 1 888 353 2273
Sexual or gender-based violence supports
UBC Resources
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office
They can help you find a safe place to stay; coordinate workplace accommodation; explore your reporting options; attend the hospital, police, or court with you; and coordinate other support services. Available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After-hours support is listed on their website.
In Vancouver, call 604 822 1588 or email
In Kelowna, call 250 807 9640 or email
Community Resources
WAVAW rape crisis centre
Provide support services to survivors of sexualized violence who are of marginalized genders: cis and transare women, Two-Spirit, trans and/or non-binary people. WAVAW offers one-to-one counselling and support groups free of charge to survivors who’ve experienced sexual assault. Bus tickets and childcare subsidies can be prearranged.
Call 1-877-392-7583 (24/7 crisis and information line, free and confidential) or 604-255-6344
Trans Lifeline
A helpline run by and for the community. Available 7 am to 1 am.
Call 1-877-330-6366
Psychological counselling and trauma supports
UBC Resources
Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) through GreenShield Health.
Resources available 24/7 by phone or access through GreenShield+ platform.
Call 1-866-424-0770
View the Employee & Family Assistance Program page on the HR website
- Active domestic violence situation: you will be immediately connected with a Critical Care Counsellor to assess the risk and undertake safety planning.
- General anxiety: If through a conversation with a counsellor, it is revealed that there is a domestic violence situation, a counsellor will work with you to assess risk and form a safety plan, including locating a safe shelter.
- For longer-term care options that EFAP doesn’t provide, the counsellor will refer to community resources that are low-cost or free. If you are a extended health plan benefits member, you may choose to use your psychological services provision for reimbursement of reasonable and customary charges for eligible practitioners.
UBC Extended Health Benefits
100% coverage for licensed psychologists, social workers or registered clinical counsellors up to a maximum of $2,500 per person per benefit year. To access Sun Life, the Active Plan Group Number is 025205 and Member ID is your 7-digit UBC employee ID number (can be found on your paycheque).
Call SunLife at 1-800-661-7334 or 1-800-361-6212.
View the UBC Extended Health Benefits page on the HR website
Community Resources
Battered Women’s Support Services
Available 24/7.
Call 1 855 687 1868 or text 604 652 1867 or email
Free, confidential counselling support and multicultural outreach services for women by phone or email. Services in English, Punjabi, Hindi. Available Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To speak with a counsellor, call 236-512-6093 or email or
Family Services of Greater Vancouver
Free services include Masters' level therapists offering individual, couples, and family counselling. Services provided in English, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, and Spanish.
Call 604-360-3235 or email
Free or low-cost health and wellness counselling is available via Doxy or telephone for the LGBT2SQIA+. community, accepting waitlist. Low-cost counselling by registered counsellors at $70/session or $60/session accessible rate. For under- or unemployed folks, free counselling available by Masters practicum students.
Hope for Wellness Helpline
Available in English and French, and by request in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut. Call or online chat counselling (real name optional). Available 24/7. Call 1 855 242 3310
Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society [Vancouver]
Provides housing and support services, including cultural workers, for Indigenous community members in crisis.
Call 604-251-4844 extension 325
Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society [Kelowna]
Provides mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing supports through community-based services, including family services, legal advocacy, and housing supports.
Call 250-763-4905
First Nations Health Authority - Mental Health Telehealth Providers
Provides coverage, if eligible, for mental health counselling for Indigenous individuals. Two hours initial assessment and 20 counselling hours.
Call Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454
Legal and financial supports
UBC Resources
Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP) through GreenShield Health.
For Work, health and life services including legal support and financial counselling conducted via the telephone or through the GreenShield+ platform. Available 24/7.
Call 1-866-424-0770
View EFAP WorkLife Services page on the HR website
Physical health and safety supports
UBC Resources
Resources for personal safety on campus
Including contact information for Campus Security and requesting an escort across campus.
View the Personal safety on campus page on the HR website
Community Resources
Hospitals, walk-in clinics, and family doctors can give you advice on what to do if you are being abused, and help you with your physical and psychological injuries or refer you to someone who can.
Relocation and housing supports
Community Resources
BC Society of Transition Houses
Complete listing of all BC Society of Transition Houses programs and services, including community-based victim services.
BC Housing
Housing support for women fleeing violence
Additional resources:
- BCCDC page for those who may be or are experiencing violence
- HealthLinkBC Domestic Violence page
- Government of BC page on Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence
- BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
- Ending Violence Association of BC
Related resources
In BC, domestic and sexual violence leave is a job-protected leave of absence in the workplace. Learn more about this leave on the Domestic Violence Leave page.
If you are a manager of an employee requesting this leave, please view the Supporting employees coping with domestic or sexual violence page.
For guidance, please contact your HR Advisor or Manager or Faculty Relations Senior Manager.