Domestic Violence Leave

Employees who experience the effects of domestic or sexual violence are encouraged to use job-protection leave from the workplace in order to seek and obtain support and assistance.

Domestic or sexual violence can be a painful and traumatic experience. Domestic or sexual violence includes actual or attempted physical, psychological or emotional abuse by an intimate partner or family member, and attempted or actual sexual abuse. 

The University is committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for the university community. 

Who can access this leave?

This leave is available if an employee or their dependent is facing domestic or sexual violence.

What is domestic violence leave?

Under this leave, employees may take up to 5 days of paid leave and 5 days of additional unpaid leave per calendar year. If necessary, an employee can take an additional unpaid leave of up to 15 weeks under the Employment Standards Act.

The leave is intended to support employees who need:

  • To seek medical attention for a physical or psychological injury or disability caused by domestic or sexual violence;
  • To obtain victim or other social services relating to domestic or sexual violence;
  • To obtain psychological or other professional counselling for a psychological or emotional condition caused by domestic or sexual violence;
  • To temporarily or permanently relocate; or
  • To seek legal or law enforcement help or attend a legal proceeding related to domestic or sexual violence.

How to request this leave

If you need to access this leave, please contact your manager.

You can also contact your HR Advisor or Faculty Relations Senior Manager.

Related resources

In addition to this leave, there are several supports and resources that may be helpful. 

View the Health and wellbeing supports for those experiencing domestic violence page for supports and resources available through UBC as well as through external community services. 

If you are a manager of an employee requesting this leave, please view the Supporting employees coping with domestic or sexual violence page.


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