Monthly premium rates for RSB

You are responsible for paying the monthly premium rates for the Retirement & Survivors Benefits (RSB) Program.


The table below shows the monthly cost for Extended Health, Dental and the Employee and Family Assistance Program as of January 1, 2025.

If you choose to enrol in Extended Health, you must ensure that you are also covered under a provincial health plan (such as MSP) as well.

These rates are reviewed annually and may change on January 1st of each year. Changes to premiums are calculated based on past claim costs and to account for ongoing inflation.

Rates as of Jan. 1, 2025SingleCoupleFamily
Extended Health*$97.74$195.48$195.48
Employee & Family Assistance Program$4.00$4.00$4.00

*Members living in Ontario or Quebec are subject to provincial Retail Sales Tax (RST) on Extended Health and Dental premiums (8% ON, 9% QC).

Medical Services Plan

The Medical Services Plan (MSP) is the BC provincial government’s medical insurance plan and is administered by Health Insurance BC. All eligible BC residents and their dependents must enrol in MSP, which pays for the medically required services of physicians and surgeons, hospital services, as well as dental and oral surgery when it is medically required to be performed in a hospital.

As previously announced by the BC Ministry of Health, BC residents will no longer be charged monthly MSP premiums. For this reason, UBC will no longer administer a group MSP plan for those enrolled in the RSB Program effective January 1, 2020.

The MSP program administered by Health Insurance BC (HIBC) will continue to provide provincially insured health care benefits for eligible BC residents.

You must notify HIBC directly if you:

  • Change your address;
  • Update your personal information, or information for other individuals on your account (including name, date of birth, or gender);
  • Add and/or remove a spouse (including common-law partner) or child(ren); and/or
  • Update your status in Canada (e.g.: obtain a new work permit, study permit, or confirmation of permanent residence).


The benefits information on this website is provided as a descriptive summary only. While the University has endeavored to accurately reflect its benefit programs, policies and plans, the information on this website does not create any contractual or other rights between the University and its faculty and staff members. To the extent that there are any conflicts or discrepancies between the benefits information on this website and the benefit plan documents (including group insurance contracts and benefit booklets) or any applicable collective agreement, employment agreement, or UBC policy, the benefit plan documents and collective agreement, employment agreement, or UBC policy will govern in all cases.

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