Making an RSB claim

This section describes how to submit a claim and be reimbursed for expenses associated with your Retirement & Survivor Benefits Program.

To submit an Extended Health or Dental claim online

Filing your claims online via or the my Sun Life mobile app is the most efficient way to process your claim, and in most cases, you will receive payment sooner. Please keep your original receipts for 12 months after submitting your claim in case you are audited.

The Sun Life mobile app includes a photo submission feature for uploading receipts and doctor’s referrals if required and the reason why more claims can be submitted over the app versus

The following claims can be submitted online:

Expensemysunlife.caSun Life mobile app
Prescription drugsYY
Paramedical services:  
  • Acupuncturist
  • Chiropodist
  • Chiropractor
  • Massage therapist*
  • Naturopath
  • Physiotherapist
  • Podiatrist
  • Psychologist*
  • Speech therapist
Medical equipment/supplies and services:  
  • Nurse
  • Ambulance
  • Diabetic Supplies
  • Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Hearing Aid and Supplies
  • Hospitalization
  • Laboratory/Diagnostic Services
  • Custom-made Orthopaedic Shoes
  • Prosthesis



*Your first claim for massage and/or psychological services cannot be submitted online because a doctor’s note must accompany the claim. Submit the first claim by using Sun Life’s mobile app (you can submit the note with their photo submission feature) or by paper. A doctor’s referral is required every 12 months.

** With the exception of claims for bridges, crowns, dentures, dental accidents and all preauthorizations.

To submit an Extended Health or Dental claim online:

  • Login to or my Sun Life mobile app using your Access ID. If you don’t have an Access ID, click on “Register now” at or contact Sun Life at 1-800-361-6212 to sign up.
  • Select “my claims”.
  • Select the particular e-claim you wish to submit (for example, prescribed drug e-claim, paramedical e-claim, dental e-claim, etc.).
  • Complete the information requested and submit it online.

To submit an Extended Health or Dental claim by mail

To make a claim for an expense under your Extended Health or Dental plans:

  • Download and print the relevant form from the Sun Life Members Website or from the Forms page.
  • Complete the form.
  • Make a copy of the completed form and your original medical receipts for your medical expenses.
  • Mail the completed form and attached original receipts directly to the nearest Sun Life claims office listed on page 2 of the claim form.

Have your dentist or healthcare provider to submit the claim on your behalf

In some cases, your healthcare provider can submit the claim on your behalf. This includes claims for dental services, as well as for vision care and paramedical services if your provider is registered with Express Scripts Canada.

*While your dentist or healthcare provider may submit the claim on your behalf to Sun Life, reimbursement will occur as follows depending on your dentist/provider:

  • You pay your dentist/provider the full amount of the service and Sun Life will reimburse you for the amount covered by the Extended Health and/or Dental plan.
  • You pay your dentist/provider the amount not covered by the Extended Health and/or Dental plan and Sun Life will reimburse the dentist/provider for the balance.

Use your pay-direct card for prescription drugs

When you purchase prescription drugs from a pharmacy, use your Sun Life pay-direct drug card and the pharmacy will charge you only for the amounts not covered by the plan. When you pay this way, you do not need to submit a claim to Sun Life for reimbursement.

If you don’t have your pay-direct card with you or have not yet received your card from Sun Life after you submit your enrolment forms, pay the full price for your prescription. You can then submit your claim to Sun Life.

Submitting a claim for out-of-province/country emergency medical care

Please see the Claims page for detailed information on how to submit a claim for your out-of-province or out-of-country medical care expenses


The benefits information on this website is provided as a descriptive summary only. While the University has endeavored to accurately reflect its benefit programs, policies and plans, the information on this website does not create any contractual or other rights between the University and its faculty and staff members. To the extent that there are any conflicts or discrepancies between the benefits information on this website and the benefit plan documents (including group insurance contracts and benefit booklets) or any applicable collective agreement, employment agreement, or UBC policy, the benefit plan documents and collective agreement, employment agreement, or UBC policy will govern in all cases.

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