Maternity, parental and adoption leave for BCGEU Okanagan

What benefits will I receive during a maternity, parental or adoption leave?

The following tables show the Employment Insurance benefits and Supplemental Employment Benefits top-up that you may be eligible for.

Pregnant employee

Pregnant employees are eligible for 78 weeks of unpaid maternity and parental leave (17 weeks maternity and 35 weeks standard parental leave or 61 weeks extended parental leave). During the unpaid leave, the pregnant employee can apply for Employment Insurance (EI) and Supplemental Employment Benefits top-up (SEB). For parental leave, two parents may share the EI parental benefits and both parents are required to choose the same option, either standard or extended. You cannot change between options once parental benefits have been paid. The scenario below assumes the pregnant employee claims the full EI parental benefits (if there is sharing, then the payments will be adjusted).

Type of leaveEI benefits from Service CanadaSEB top-up from UBCAdditional SEB top-up upon return to work?6 month return to work requirement in order to keep SEB top-up?

Week 1: unpaid


Week 2-16 (15 weeks maternity): 55% of salary (max of $695/week)


Week 1: 75% of salary


Week 2-16: EI benefit topped up to 75% of salary


Standard parental benefits


Week 17-51 (35 weeks parental): 55% of salary (max of $695/week)


Extended parental benefits

Week 17-77

(61 weeks): 33% of salary (max of $417/week)

Week 17-51: EI benefit calculated under standard parental option (55% of salary up to a maximum of $695/week) topped up to 75% of salary


The SEB top-up is calculated based on the standard parental leave option and the total dollar amount paid to you for the leave remains the same if you choose the extended parental leave option.


Birth parent

Birth parents are eligible for 62 weeks of unpaid parental leave. During the unpaid leave, the birth parent can apply for Employment Insurance (EI) and Supplemental Employment Benefits top-up (SEB). For parental leave, 62 weeks of EI benefits are payable in total between both birth parents. The scenario below assumes the birth parent claims the full EI parental benefits (if there is sharing, then the payments will be adjusted) and that the Week 1 waiting period for EI benefits does not apply because it was previously satisfied by the pregnant employee.

UBC Employee GroupEI benefits from Service CanadaSEB top-up from UBCAdditional SEB top-up upon return to work?6 month return to work requirement in order to keep SEB top-up?
BCGEU Okanagan

Standard parental benefits


Week 1-35 (35 weeks): 55% of salary (max of $695/week)


Extended parental benefits

Week 1-61 (61 weeks): 33% of salary (max of $417/week)

Week 1-35: EI benefit calculated under standard parental option (55% of salary up to a maximum of $695/week) topped up to 75% of salary


The SEB top-up is calculated based on the standard parental leave option and the total dollar amount paid to you for the leave remains the same if you choose the extended parental leave option.


Adopting parent

Adopting parents are eligible for 62 weeks of unpaid adoption leave (35 weeks standard parental leave or 62 weeks extended parental leave). During the unpaid leave, the adopting parent can apply for Employment Insurance (EI) and Supplemental Employment Benefits top-up (SEB). The scenario below assumes the adopting parent (first parent) claims the full 62 weeks of EI parental benefits.

UBC Employee GroupEI benefits from Service CanadaSEB top-up from UBCAdditional SEB top-up upon return to work?6 month return to work requirement in order to keep SEB top-up?
BCGEU Okanagan

Week 1: unpaid


Standard parental benefits

Week 2-36 (35 weeks parental): 55% of salary (max of $695/week)


Extended parental benefits

Week 2-62 (61 weeks): 33% of salary (max of $417/week)

Week 1: 75% of salary


Week 2-36: EI benefit calculated under standard parental option (55% of salary up to a maximum of $695/week) topped up to 75% of salary

The SEB top-up is calculated based on the standard parental leave option and the total dollar amount paid to you for the leave remains the same if you choose the extended parental leave option.





The benefits information on this website is provided as a descriptive summary only. While the University has endeavored to accurately reflect its benefit programs, policies and plans, the information on this website does not create any contractual or other rights between the University and its faculty and staff members. To the extent that there are any conflicts or discrepancies between the benefits information on this website and the benefit plan documents (including group insurance contracts and benefit booklets) or any applicable collective agreement, employment agreement, or UBC policy, the benefit plan documents and collective agreement, employment agreement, or UBC policy will govern in all cases.

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